So I thought if you didn't know I should tell you since i keep getting yelled at for not telling people! This is the story! I found out I was
prego like 2 weeks ago but then I went to the Doctor and found out there was no heartbeat and so I had to get a a D&C. So I was kinda
bumbed but then again it has happened before so I was kinda prepared for the worst so we took it pretty good. I went to have a D&C on Friday and was fine but I wasn't getting any better. I was getting worse. I had the worst pains and was so sick. So on Monday at like 12:30 a.m. I had my Mom come over and Jon too me to the hospital! They admitted me and with a series of events that followed they found a ectopic pregnancy. The sack that they originally found was nothing no embryo nothing. Weird! So I had to get emergency surgery and they had to remove the tube. Then later after the surgery I was in my room and I started to bleed out of my wound so bad the Doctor had to come back and put in stitches. It was kinda funny. Jon and I were the calmest people in the room. The nurses were frantic and were getting ready for me to go into shock or something. So I am fine and am going to live. But now I am lefty as my cousin Mandie asked what to call me now. This was for people that care, if you don't I am sorry for the graphic nature!
I have to say this. I knew something wasn't right but I kept making excuses for it. That mistake really could of killed me. If it wasn't for my husband saying lets go now I would be in way worse shape so listen to your body, it
doesn't lie.